Exeter Mosque

  • Community Engagement February

    Promote clear message of Islam and serve the community’s needsDeliver the best quality servicesFoster an environment for spiritual developmentCreate a sense of belonging and engagementProvide inclusive leadership opportunities for our diverse community

    We have built our values on the term PEACE, which signifies what we stand for. The values are fundamental to what Exeter Mosque is about. Our vision naturally flows from our values and sets our direction for continuous improvement. It is based on the needs of our service users, who include worshippers, parents, children and visitors.

    You can access more information on the Exeter Mosque website. For further queries, please contact the office at office@exetermosque.org.ukJumuah salah is at 1.10pm.

    We welcome you to our Exeter Mosque WhatsApp group, where you can join our very own community and stay updated with events and activities. To join, please scan this QR code or use the link below


    Exeter Mosque’s Vision is to be the IDEAL mosque, based on our values of PEACE, which DEVELOPS Muslims to be the BEST VERSIONS of themselves. We present here the activities we have organised and developed for November

    What’s on this month

    ActivityDayTimingVenuePoint of Contact
    Hadeeth sessionDailyAfter Maghrib salahMain Prayer HallImam Masum
    Hifdh Programme
    (weekdays, term-time)
    Monday – Friday5:30pm-7:30pmConference Hall & Main Prayer HallImam Ahmed
    School VisitsVarious WeekdaysMorning (Term Time)Conference Hall & Main Prayer Hall Imam Ahmed
    Sister’s HalaqahTuesday6:00pm-7:15pmSisters’ HallSister Shahida
    Brothers’ Fiqh SessionTuesday6:45pm-7:45pmMain Prayer HallDr Mustafa Baig
    New Muslim Circle
    (Essential Knowledge about
    Islam for new Muslims)
    Friday7:30pm-8:30pmMeeting RoomImam Ahmed
    Boys Youth ClubFriday6:15 to Isha salahSports HallBrother Mahzuz
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    SaturdayAfter Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Anas
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    SundayAfter Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Masum
    Sister’s Quran ClassSundaysAfter Dhuhr salahSisters’ Hall Sister Dania
    (weekends, term-time)
    Weekend (Term time)9:15am-12:30pmAll RoomsSister Dania
    CounsellingVariousBy appointmentMeeting RoomImam Ahmed

    Community Engagement January

    Promote clear message of Islam and serve the community’s needsDeliver the best quality servicesFoster an environment for spiritual developmentCreate a sense of belonging and engagementProvide inclusive leadership opportunities for our diverse community

    We have built our values on the term PEACE, which signifies what we stand for. The values are fundamental to what Exeter Mosque is about. Our vision naturally flows from our values and sets our direction for continuous improvement. It is based on the needs of our service users, who include worshippers, parents, children and visitors.

    You can access more information on the Exeter Mosque website. For further queries, please contact the office at office@exetermosque.org.ukJumuah salah is at 1.10pm.

    We had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Ilan Pappé, a world-renowned Historian & Scholar in Palestine Studies from the University of Exeter. Together with Dr Mustafa Baig and Abduallah Al Anjari, they gave us an insightful history on the occupation of Palestine. Click here to view:I. We also enjoyed your company in the ‘Community Builders of Tomorrow’ talk by Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari. Thank you for your attendance at these events. May Allah reward our organisers with Khair for their time and effort in making both these events a success.

    Exeter Mosque’s Vision is to be the IDEAL mosque, based on our values of PEACE, which DEVELOPS Muslims to be the BEST VERSIONS of themselves. We present here the activities we have organised and developed for November

    What’s on this month

    ActivityDayTimingVenuePoint of Contact
    Hadeeth sessionDailyAfter Asr salahMain Prayer HallImam Masum
    School VisitsVarious WeekdaysMornings (term time)Main Prayer HallImam Ahmed
    Sister’s HalaqahTuesday6.00pm-7.15pmSisters’ HallSister Shahida
    Sister’s Quran ClassSundaysAfter Dhuhr salahSisters’ Hall Sister Dania
    Hifdh Programme
    (weekdays, term-time)
    Monday – Friday5.30pm-7.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Boys Youth ClubFriday6:15 to Isha salahSports HallBrother Mahzuz
    Adult Classes
    (Art of Quran Recitation with
    Tafseer and Essential Fiqh)
    Tuesday 8.00pm-9.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Saturday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Anas
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Sunday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Masum
    (weekends, term-time)
    Saturday- Sunday9.15am-12.30pmAll RoomsSister Dania
    New Muslim Circle
    (Essential Knowledge about
    Islam for new Muslims)
    Friday8.00pm-10.00pmMeeting RoomImam Ahmed
    CounsellingVariousBy appointmentMeeting RoomImam Ahmed

    Community Engagement December

    Promote clear message of Islam and serve the community’s needsDeliver the best quality servicesFoster an environment for spiritual developmentCreate a sense of belonging and engagementProvide inclusive leadership opportunities for our diverse community

    We have built our values on the term PEACE, which signifies what we stand for. The values are fundamental to what Exeter Mosque is about. Our vision naturally flows from our values and sets our direction for continuous improvement. It is based on the needs of our service users, who include worshippers, parents, children and visitors.

    You can access more information on the Exeter Mosque website. For further queries, please contact the office at office@exetermosque.org.ukJumuah salah is at 1.10pm.

    Exeter Mosque’s Vision is to be the IDEAL mosque, based on our values of PEACE, which DEVELOPS Muslims to be the BEST VERSIONS of themselves. We present here the activities we have organised and developed for November

    What’s on this month

    ActivityDayTimingVenuePoint of Contact
    Talk: Ethnic Cleansing to Genocide – PalestineSaturday, 7th Dec5:45pmConference HallProfessor Ilan Pappe
    Talk: Community Builders of TomorrowSunday 22nd DecAfter Maghrib SalahConference HallDr Muhammad Abdul Bari
    Fiqh SessionTuesday6:45pm – 7:45pmMain Prayer HallMustafa Baig
    Hadeeth sessionDailyAfter Asr salahMain Prayer HallImam Masum
    Sister’s HalaqahTuesday6.00pm-7.15pmSisters’ HallShahida
    Sister’s Quran ClassSundaysAfter Dhuhr salahSisters’ Hall Dana
    Hifdh Programme
    (weekdays, term-time)
    Monday – Friday5.30pm-7.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Boys Youth ClubFriday6:15 to Isha salahSports HallMahzuz
    Adult Classes
    (Art of Quran Recitation with
    Tafseer and Essential Fiqh)
    Tuesday 8.00pm-9.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Saturday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Anas
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Sunday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Masum
    (weekends, term-time)
    Saturday- Sunday9.15am-12.30pmAll RoomsDania
    New Muslim Circle
    (Essential Knowledge about
    Islam for new Muslims)
    Friday8.00pm-10.00pmMeeting RoomImam Ahmed
    CounsellingVariousBy appointmentMeeting RoomImam Ahmed

    Community Engagement November

    Promote clear message of Islam and serve the community’s needsDeliver the best quality servicesFoster an environment for spiritual developmentCreate a sense of belonging and engagementProvide inclusive leadership opportunities for our diverse community

    We have built our values on the term PEACE, which signifies what we stand for. The values are fundamental to what Exeter Mosque is about. Our vision naturally flows from our values and sets our direction for continuous improvement. It is based on the needs of our service users, who include worshippers, parents, children and visitors.

    You can access more information on the Exeter Mosque website. For further queries, please contact the office at office@exetermosque.org.ukJumuah salah is at 1.10pm.

    Exeter Mosque’s Vision is to be the IDEAL mosque, based on our values of PEACE, which DEVELOPS Muslims to be the BEST VERSIONS of themselves. We present here the activities we have organised and developed for November

    What’s on this month

    ActivityDayTimingVenuePoint of Contact
    Fundraising Event
    Garden of Eden
    Sunday, 3rd Nov10:30 – 16:30Conference HallJakir Hussain for tickets
    Hadeeth sessionDailyAfter Asr salahMain Prayer HallImam Masum
    Sister’s HalaqahTuesday6.00pm-7.15pmSisters’ HallShahida
    Sister’s Quran ClassSundaysAfter Dhuhr salahSisters’ Hall Dana
    Hifdh Programme
    (weekdays, term-time)
    Monday – Friday5.30pm-7.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Boys Youth ClubFriday6:15 to Isha salahSports HallMahzuz
    Adult Classes
    (Art of Quran Recitation with
    Tafseer and Essential Fiqh)
    Tuesday 8.00pm-9.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Saturday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Anas
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Sunday After Maghrib salah Main Prayer HallImam Masum
    (weekends, term-time)
    Saturday- Sunday9.15am-12.30pmAll RoomsDania
    New Muslim Circle
    (Essential Knowledge about
    Islam for new Muslims)
    Friday8.00pm-10.00pmMeeting RoomImam Ahmed
    CounsellingVariousBy appointmentMeeting RoomImam Ahmed

    September Activities

    ActivityDayTimingVenuePoint of Contact
    Hadeeth sessionDailyAfter Asr salahMain Prayer HallImam Masum
    Sister’s HalaqahTuesday6.00pm-7.15pmSisters’ HallShahida
    Sister’s Quran ClassSundaysAfter Dhuhr salahSisters’ Hall Dana
    Hifdh Programme
    (weekdays, term-time)
    Monday – Friday5.30pm-7.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Boys Youth ClubFridayMaghrib salah to Isha salahSports HallMahzuz
    Adult Classes
    (Art of Quran Recitation with
    Tafseer and Essential Fiqh)
    Tuesday 8.00pm-9.30pmConference Hall Imam Ahmed
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Saturday After Asr salah Main Prayer HallImam Anas
    Adult Classes
    (Tajweed and Quran)
    Sunday After Asr salah Main Prayer HallImam Masum
    (weekends, term-time)
    Sunday9.30am-12.30pmAll RoomsDania
    New Muslim Circle
    (Essential Knowledge about
    Islam for new Muslims)
    Friday8.00pm-10.00pmMeeting RoomImam Ahmed
    CounsellingVariousBy appointmentMeeting RoomImam Ahmed

    Eid Ul Adha 1445

    May Allah accept all your prayers and supplications in these 10 great days of Dhul Hijjah.

    These are the best days in the year and the ideal time to remember the sacrifice of Prophet Ibraheem (alaihissalaam) as well as stand in solidarity with those who are Allah’s guests in Makkah for Hajj. It is also a time to remember our brothers and sisters around the world and how we can continue to connect with them and provide support.

    We wish you all a fantastic day with friends and families.

    Exeter Mosque

    Eid Ul Adha Salah timings on Sunday, 16.06.2024:


    Eid Al Fitr 1445

    The moon has not been sighted over in Saudi Arabia therefore Eid Al Fitr will be celebrated on Wednesday 10th April 2024.

    May Allah accept all your prayers, supplications and fasts in this great month of Ramadan. It has been a time for reflection for us as individuals, coming together as a community and remembering and supporting Muslims around the world.

    We pray that you have been able to maximise your good deeds in these last 30 days and can use these experiences to continue in the worship of Allah in the year ahead.

    The masjid community has been able to partake in Taraweeh prayers for brothers and sisters, regular Islamic lessons and Quran memorisation for children, daily iftar and weekly community iftar gatherings.

    These activities would not be possible without all of you. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our management, staff and volunteers who have given up their free time to serve the community. This has included the work of Imams who led Taraweeh, our teachers, chefs and helpers who prepared iftar food and cleaners who kept the House of Allah tidy all month. May Allah reward you with Goodness for looking after His servants during the holy month.

    We wish you all a fantastic day with friends and families.

    Kullu Aam Wa Antum Bikhair

    Exeter Mosque

    Eid Salah timings on Wednesday, 10.04.2024:


    Ramadan 1445 Announcement

    Exeter Mosque is pleased to announce that 1 Ramadan 1445 is on Monday, 11 March 2024.

    The first Tarawih prayers will be on the evening of Sunday, 10 March.

    Isha jamah is at 8:30 pm. Tarawih prayers will start immediately after.

    You can find our Ramadan Timetable here

    Gaza Statement

    Peace be upon you,

    We witness a calamitous situation in Palestine, where great persecution has continued for several decades, culminating in the latest chapter with the killing of thousands of people in the last several weeks.

    Allah Himself has blessed this land in the Qur’an where He says, “Exalted is He who took His servant by night from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed.” (Qur’an 17:1).

    We see in horror, in this blessed land, the suffering of our brothers and sisters. There is continuous bombardment combined with a ground invasion, with complete disregard for the value of sacred human life. “When they are told, ‘Do not spread corruption in the land,’ they reply, ‘We are only peace-makers!’ Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it.” (Qur’an 2:11)

    As a result of these actions, more than 10,000 people have been killed, of whom more than 4000 are children. (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/#:~:text=GAZA%2C%20Nov%206%20(Reuters),Israeli%20strikes%20had%20exceeded%2010%2C000)

    Our beloved departed will have the highest reward from Allah, who says “And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, ‘they are dead.’ Rather they are alive, but you perceive it not.” (Qur’an 2:154) A further reminder are His words “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty and they receive good tidings about those after them who have not yet joined them – that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (Qur’an 3:169-170)

    We are One Ummah, as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (on him be peace) has said “the parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6011, Sahih Muslim 2586).

    It is in our capacity as One Ummah, who believe in whoever saves a life, it is as if he had saved the lives of all mankind. (Qur’an 5:32) that we unequivocally demand the following five points with immediate effect:

    1. Enforce complete withdrawal from occupied Palestinian lands.
    2. End illegal occupation, settlements and breach of international law.
    3. Abide by international humanitarian law and provide access to humanitarian aid.
    4. Lift the illegal 16-year blockade on Gaza – a collective punishment and a war crime.
    5. Rescind the appalling “evacuation” order, which has left more than one million people displaced.

    Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza – Amnesty International and https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/occupied-palestinian-territories-and-israel-crisis-appeal

    We demand that our MP stands up for its constituents to support these five points.

    We pray that Allah gives us the ability to make sincere dua and prayers, financially support the needy, raise awareness of critical causes around the world and provide us with strength to call on those in authority over us. In all this, to make us a positive role model for others.

    O Allah, bless and unite the Ummah of Muhammad (on him be peace).

    Exeter Mosque and Cultural Centre

    Further Links:  

    1)    For community actions click here: https://www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk/news/guidance-on-palestine

    2)    For guidance click here: https://mcb.org.uk/resources/mcb-guidance-on-palestine-2023/ 

    3)    To access an electronic template letter (courtesy of Islamic Relief) to send to your MP click here and add your address: https://islamicrelief.good.do/protect-civilians-in-gaza/email-mp/ 

    4)    Text for Template (Letter to MP) If you cannot access the online template letter, use the text below and post it to our local MP.

    Dear Ben Bradshaw,

    I am writing as a supporter of Islamic Relief, an NGO which has worked in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1997. They have an office in Gaza and work closely with local partner organisations to deliver a wide range of programmes supporting families, schools and hospitals.  

    I am deeply appalled by the violence that has unfolded in the region and killed thousands of civilians. All parties have a duty to respect and uphold international humanitarian law and ensure that civilians are protected, and that duty is clearly not being met. 

    The tightening of Israel’s siege of Gaza – cutting off supplies of food, medicine, fuel and aid – represents collective punishment of all 2.2 million people living in Gaza, around half of whom are children. The current order for more than 1 million people to leave northern Gaza is contributing to a humanitarian catastrophe. Hospitals have been ordered to empty and families have been bombed as they follow the order to flee. Food and water are running out.   

    The death toll is mounting hourly, and the humanitarian crisis is critical – with worse yet to come. I am asking you to urgently write to the Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, and urge him to: 

    1. Call for an immediate ceasefire to prioritise the preservation of human life. 

    2. Demand that Israel immediately ends its complete siege of Gaza and ensures that humanitarian aid safely reaches people in need in accordance with humanitarian principles. Israel must allow safe and unimpeded entry of fuel, water, food, and other humanitarian necessities into Gaza. 

    3. Demand that all parties comply with international law and ensure that civilians are protected from harm. All parties must not target civilians or civilian infrastructure and must ensure that civilians have access to basic necessities such as water, food and power. 

    4. Increase UK aid to Palestine to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs and work with international partners to ensure that governments continue to fund humanitarian organisations and UN agencies responding to the crisis.   

    I hope you will urgently deliver these messages to the Foreign Secretary, and I would urge you to also raise these issues with the leader of your party and in parliament.  

    I look forward to hearing from you soon. 


    Contact details:

    Taste Ramadan

    Exeter Mosque invites you to attend an iftar with the community!

    Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest month in Islam. It is observed by Muslims worldwide through fasting from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs during the day. Ramadan is also a time for spiritual reflection, prayer, and charitable acts. The month concludes with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, a joyous holiday marking the end of the fasting period.

    We will be holding an iftar (banquet) for our Exeter community. You are invited to join us. This evening will be include an educational presentation about Ramadan, guided tours of the Mosque and to round it off we will be providing food for you. This will be an opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of Ramadan with the Muslim community. We look forward to welcoming you! To confirm your attendance please fill out the form below:
